WESTERN HERBS - Various maladies
can be alleviated by employing herbal medicines. Herbs
contain many bioactive chemicals that work together synergistically
to help heal and balance the body. They can stimulate or
relax target systems or organs. Herbal remedies can be
given in a variety of ways: tinctures, teas, tablets, capsules,
and topically. Itchy skin can be calmed with aloe, calendula,
lavender, and rosemary. A diseased heart can be strengthened
with hawthorne berry. milk thistle and dandelion can help
the liver to detoxify. Herbs such as boswellia, ginger,
tumeric, and alfalfa can reduce inflammation in arthritic
bones and joints. Pets battling kidney disease, thyroid
disease, cancer, and epilepsy can all benefit from herbs.
is a prescription medical device that combines microcurrent
electrical therapy (MET) and cranial electrotherapy stimulation
(CES) to treat both medical and behavioral disorders. This
treatment can be done at our veterinary clinic or in your
own home. The relief from Alpha-Stim is residual and cumulative,
resulting in less frequent use. This is a drugless treatment
modality that can help pets suffering from chronic pain,
separation anxiety, lick granulomas, over-grooming, urinary
incontinence, cognitive dysfunction, hyperesthesia, and
>> Click here for more info...
These remedies offer a safe, non-toxic alternative
to treating behavioral and emotional disorders in humans
and pets. They can generally be selected accurately
by the pet’s guardian or with the help of one
of our veterinarians. They can be used in conjunction
with conventional as well as holistic modalities.
BICOM 2000 -
A safe, non-invasive, computerized diagnostic and therapeutic modality for many chronic conditions. Useful for evaluating the effects of food and supplements for individual pets.
>> Click here for more info...
Patience and time are crucial once holistic treatment is
started. These treatments do not simply suppress symptoms
but instead promote deep healing. This type of healing can
take several weeks or even months with some forms of chronic
disease. Examples of chronic diseases that may benefit from
this approach include cancer, heart and kidney disease, skin
allergies, and arthritis. In today’s fast-paced world
this type of healing can seem like a long, slow journey.
In our view, it is a path well worth following. We
hope you will embark on this journey with us. We truly believe
following this path will give your beloved pet the best chance
to heal. |